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First phonotrope tests - success!

There's no eloquent design word I can use here - for testing purposes I 'plonked' my house image onto a pre-made template to see if my animation will work. They were strategically plonked, mind!

This was a quick way of idea testing, rather than focusing on accuracy, so there are plenty of things to work on still.

1. Keeping to the original guide of 24fps/32 frames/45rpm

I quite like the effect of the house spinning as it rotates round.

2. Increasing the size of the image and stretching it across 2 frames on the outer part of the template. 24fps/16 frames/45rpm

Thankfully this works as 32 frames was overkill and it meant that the images were ridiculously tiny. I forgot to remove the gridlines before I printed.

3. Decreasing the size and moving it closer to the 24fps/16 frames/45rpm

Unfortunately, this didn't work for me. Also filmed at the the top part of the 'record'.

I need to look into a better way of shooting this. It was a borrowed DSLR camera rather than my compact one, I followed all the instructions (biggest aperture setting, high ISO and quick shutter speed) including flooding the area with bright light, but it's still quite dark. I think the shutter speed may have been too high (4000, I think), so will see if I can adjust it. The banding issue is something Google may have to teach me about! In hindsight, I should have taken a photo of my set up at home to give a clearer idea. Still, I'm relieved to see it works! Now it's just a case of applying it to 3 postcards.

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