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Emma's House zoetrope / cyclotrope

Aim: Look at the visual possibilities of zoetrope animations. It's potentially a very quick way of producing a lo-fi animation, that fits well with Sarah's DIY aesthetic. One of the main song lyrics is 'Emma's house is empty', so was going to go literal - a simple animation of a house being 'unbuilt'.

As I don't have a record player, will use my bike tyre as a makeshift zoetrope.


After doing a quick illustration and printing it onto carton board, I hugely underestimated how long getting everything prepared would take. Cutting double layered carton board is neither quick nor easy!

I'll give it a spin this weekend. Yeah. That pun was really bad.


I think my impatience got the better of me - I wanted to see if the animation would work before investing my time into the painstaking process of cutting out multiple houses. With a bit of deflating, the card stood upright in the rim of my tyre, which was good news!

I definitely need to simplify - so I will just keep it as a solid piece of card and tuck it in to the rim of my wheel. The intricacy of the cut-outs would look better visually but for a prototype, they were too time consuming and not polished enough (I don't have the luxury of a laser printer!). The wobbliness of the wheel/bucket combo definitely needs addressing. Again, that was my impatience.

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