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Client email - 07/04/17

Date: 7th April 2017

Progress of brief: Looking into analogue ways of creating animations - zoetropes/cyclotropes.

Issues discussed:

- Development of a basic idea to create a visualisation of the song lyrics. By deconstructing a house, 'Emma's House' was becoming 'empty' in very literal terms.

Client feedback:

Penny was still on holiday so no feedback given.

Action points:

- I was a bit impatient with seeing the idea progress, so the mock-up wasn't really presented to client-standard. Unless seeing a bike wheel precariously balanced on a bucket is the height of professionalism.

- Realised that individually cutting out each house from card was far too time consuming to test out a technical concept.

- I already identified why it wasn't working - so either refine or ditch this idea.

----- Email -----

Sent: 07 April 2017 22:44 To: Penny Delmon Cc: Alastair Myers Subject: Re: COBC - Sarah Records project

Hi Penny,

I realise as you're away until the 18th, my email will only add to the stuff to sift through when you get back!

Here's the link to my recent blog post:

I'm currently working on a zoetrope of a house 'deconstructing'. I was a bit optimistic with time scales as I thought I could get it done in one afternoon. I'll spend tomorrow cutting the rest of the pieces out and seeing if it works!

Kind regards,


---- No reply as Penny was away ----

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