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Second client email - 24/03/17

Date: 24th March 2017

Progress of brief: Research into visual styles/potential final outcomes

Issues discussed:

- Mentioned that I thought Penny's your suggestion of creating a time lapse video of a mural or something related to the record label was great, though I'm a bit apprehensive about only having 'one take' to get it right (performance anxiety etc.!)

- Mentioned my first attempt at doing a watercolour/ink wash - I didn't keep the footage as it went wrong. Despite outlining my image with wax, the ink still bled out from the image.

Client feedback:

Penny mentioned that I opened my email with, "I'm sorry" as I didn't have that much free time spare to do anything practical with the different visual styles I was looking into. "Train yourself to start with the positive and no one will ever think of the bit you’re apologising for! Simply open with “I have been working on..." On a positive note, she commented that it was good research and that she liked the look of my blog.

Action points:

- Decide on direction: live art mural or animated gig poster.

- Start putting into practice some of the styles I've found; currently thinking of linocutting and doing watercolour washes.

- Film myself working to get used to the idea of creating something on camera

- Work on starting with what I *have* achieved when communicating with clients.

------- Emails --------

On 24/3/17 19:10, "Lisa Wynne" <> wrote:

Hi Penny, Just wanted to give you a quick update on my project, as I've been snowed under with a cold and essay writing. So lagging behind with this a bit, I apologise! Here's a link to my project blog: I loved your suggestion of creating a time lapse video of a mural or something related to the record label, though I'm a bit apprehensive about only having 'one take' to get it right (performance anxiety etc.!) I have added a post with some different styles of stop motion and time lapse video. Over the next week or so I'll be looking at different visual styles and will have a couple of short videos to upload. I had a go at videoing myself trying to recreate the Sarah records logo with water and ink, but it went horribly wrong - so all evidence was buried. So will see how I feel about the idea of 'live' creation on camera next week, if it's something I think I can do or if an animated gig poster is the 'safer' option. Have a lovely weekend and by early next week there should be a bit more to see on my blog. Warm regards, Lisa

------ Penny's Reply ------

Sent: 27 March 2017 09:21 To: Lisa Wynne Cc: Alastair Myers Subject: Re: COBC - Sarah Records project

Hi Lisa Thanks so much for sharing your progress –well done - good research and, yes, I am camera shy too so appreciate your angst on that front. Your stop frame grafiti is more of les whet we discussed but without the ‘creator in shot – that may be a solution – I just thought live may be quicker! You’ve come up with some interesting alternatives and I think you have really grasped the visual essence of Sarah Records that you want to communicate. Love the look of your R&D space! Really looking forward to more... Good work! I mentioned in my feedback to Becky – a note on your email opening.. A ‘presentation’ detail really. While it’s tempting to make excuses for stuff that’s not done, it’s better to just go what what you do have and build that up as much as you can. We all do this all, it’s natural response working under pressure like we do. I have to stop myself starting emails with “I’m sorry..” Just better to cut to the detail of what IS available. You have some great work here and good thinking – explaining the process of moving yourself out of your comfort zone and finding a way to make that work (while having a fall back position if required). Train yourself to start with the positive and no one will ever think of the bit you’re apologising for! Simply open with “I have been working on... :-) Top regards Penny

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